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A bacteria, artificially colorized in purple.

Bacteria’s “Self-Killing” Activity Can Be Harnessed Against Antibiotic Resistance

A natural mechanism used by bacteria to protect themselves from viral attacks – by self-destructing – could be used to fight bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance.
A new born baby.

Hormone Disruptor Chemicals Tied to Nearly 56,600 Preterm Births

Daily exposure to chemicals used in the manufacture of plastic food containers and many cosmetics may be tied to nearly 56,600 preterm births in the U.S. in 2018, a new study shows.
A woman in bed.

Women's Unique Metabolic Advantage Against Sleep Apnea

A University of Ottawa research team has shown that the impact of sleep apnea on the metabolism of blood lipids differs by sex, with women regulating their blood lipids better than men.
A woman on a sofa look through a photo album.

Fatty Acids Play a Crucial Role in the Brain’s Consolidation of Memories

Researchers have uncovered the molecular mechanisms that underlie the memory creation process, revealing the crucial role of saturated fatty acids in the brain’s consolidation of memories.
Yellow flowers.

Scientists Identify Protein That Helps Flowers Develop All of Their Organs

Newly identified protein, called GRP20, involved in processing genes before they are used to code for proteins, is required for proper flower development in the model plant species Arabidopsis.
A close up of a leaf.

Efficiently Unlocking Plant Sugars Could Lead to Biofuels and Medicines

Research from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) sheds new light on how to access the sugars locked up in plants to produce petroleum-free fuels, chemicals, and medicines.
E coli.

New Tool Decodes Microbial Metabolism Mysteries

Using a database of over 60,000 microorganisms curated by researchers from across the globe, the new search tool instantly matches microbes to the metabolites they produce.
Three women, laughing together.

Why Are Women at a Greater Risk of Autoimmune Disease?

A new study by Stanford University Scientists shows how X chromosome inactivation might explain why women are at greater risk of autoimmune disease.
HIV attacking a human cell.

Researchers Witness High-Speed HIV-1 Protein Movement

Duke researcher describes an HIV discovery they hope will bring a vaccine across the finish line. Being able to attach an antibody specifically to a structure that would prevent it from popping open would be key.
Simulated image of an egg and sperm cell at fertilization.

Supercomputer Simulates Protein Complex That Initiates Human Fertilization

Researchers recently developed highly realistic simulations of the proteins on sperm and egg cells coupling together before they fuse. These findings enabled the research team to solve several mysteries of fertilisation at once.