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A collection of kiwis.

Kiwis Can Improve Your Mood in As Little As Four Days

Kiwifruit has proven itself as a powerful mood booster and new research from the University of Otago has shown just how fast its effects can be.
A petri dish of cells in cell culture medium.

Lab-Grown Beef Can Now Produce Its Own Growth Factors

Cells used to produce lab-grown beef have been engineered to produce their own growth factors, which could cut production costs.
A pale yellow fish in a net.

Genes Linked to Albinism in Wels Catfish Identified

Mutations in many different genes can cause albinism, due to the complex nature of melanin pigment synthesis and metabolism. Researchers have identified these genes in Wels catfish.
An insulin pen.

Sclerostin Crucial for Heart Health in Diabetes

A study involving the University of Granada (UGR) and published in the journal Cardiovascular Diabetology has shown that sclerostin plays a protective role against the development of atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes.
A woman drinking a glass of water.

Heavy Metal Exposure Could Deplete Eggs in Ovaries

Exposure to toxic heavy metals can lead to various harmful effects on the body. New research suggests middle-aged women in particular may face heightened risks.
A schematic of the new material, with 3 layers of metals on a DNA framework outlined.

Hacking DNA To Make Next-Gen Materials

Researchers have "hacked" DNA to develop self-assembling metallic and semiconductor 3D nanostructures, the building blocks for next-generation materials.
Proteins structure.

Protein TDP-43 Protects Us From Genetic Zombies

A new Cell Reports paper from Bing Yao’s lab in Emory’s Department of Human Genetics provides insights into mechanisms underlying several neurodegenerative diseases, such as ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and Alzheimer’s.
Cancer cells.

Novel Immunotherapy Targets Senescent Cells To Make Chemotherapy More Effective

Researchers from IRB Barcelona describe a mechanism by which senescent cells generated by chemotherapy survive inside tumours. A new immunotherapy in animal models eliminates these senescent cells and improves the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
Gram-negative bacterial pathogens (green) surrounded by a protein coat of GBP1 proteins (magenta).

How a Protein Forms a Coat of Armour Around Bacteria

The details of many immune defense mechanisms are still unknown, but a new study sheds light on one such mechanism. Researchers describe exactly how GBP1 proteins render bacteria harmless by encapsulating them.
A woman crouched on the floor wearing a face mask.

Molecular Study Confirms Long COVID and ME/CFS Link

People suffering from Long COVID or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) could benefit from a coordinated treatment strategy, a new University of Otago study has found.