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Traditional British Christmas dinner

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Your Christmas Dinner?

Wondering how much CO2 your sprouts cost? Sarah Bridle, a professor of Food, Climate and Society at the University of York, breaks down the environmental impact of every element of a Christmas dinner.
A strand of RNA.

Exploring the Latest Advances in Transcriptomics

This article explores the latest technologies currently in use for transcriptomic research. It also highlights the latest advancements in transcriptomics technology, focusing on single-cell, spatiotemporal and the “dark-transcriptome”.
Molecular structure on a blue background

Identifying and Characterizing PFAS Compounds

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) do not readily break down in nature and so can become persistent pollutants. This article will explore the challenges of detecting PFAS compounds and how recent advancements in testing techniques are addressing these issues.
Two men stand in a field of crops

The Landscape of Agricultural Biotechnology

This article will explore the differences between genetically-modified and gene-edited organisms in food and agriculture, including the methods by which they are produced.
A lit up image of a battery, in space, with the earth in the background

Discovering the Future of Batteries in Space and Aeronautics With Brianne DeMattia

Technology Networks invited Brianne DeMattia, research electrical engineer at NASA Glenn Research Center to an Ask Me Anything session to answer your questions about the future of battery research.
Computer generated image of a person's face in a nebulous cloud

Exploring Psychedelics With Boris Heifets

Technology Networks invited Dr. Heifets, assistant professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, to an Ask Me Anything session to answer your questions about psychedelics.
Illustration of snow and ice surrounding large ships with a workman and snow plow clearing the ground.

What Causes Ice to Stick or Slip?

Winter's icy grip leads to dangerously slippery roads and flight delays as freezing conditions necessitate thorough de-icing. But what causes ice to stick or slip on surfaces? Scientists have taken the cold plunge to unravel the mysteries of ice.
A stack of magazines and journals.

Discover How To Publish in High-Ranking Journals With Barbara Cheifet

Technology Networks invited chief editor at Nature Biotechnology, Barbara Cheifet, to an Ask Me Anything session to answer questions about the biggest challenges in scientific publishing and how to get work published in high-ranking journals.
Plastic bottle on a beach.

Takeaways From a Global Plastics Treaty

Technology Networks caught up with Aidan Charron, director of the End Plastic Initiatives at Earth Day, not long after he arrived back from Nairobi to hear how negotiations on an international plastics treat went.
Artistic rendering of an eosinophil immune cell, showing the bi-lobed nucleus and granules.

Eosinophils: Eosinophil Origin, Function and Related Conditions Including Eosinophilia

Immune cells come in many shapes and sizes and with numerous different properties. In this article, we consider what eosinophils are, how they are generated, their function in the body and medical conditions related to them, including eosinophilia.