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Agilent Announces New ProteoAnalyzer System

The Agilent ProteoAnalyzer System for Protein CE-SDS Analysis.
Credit: Agilent.
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Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) announced the release of a new automated parallel capillary electrophoresis system for protein analysis – the Agilent ProteoAnalyzer system – at the 23rd Annual PepTalk Conference, being held January 16-19 in San Diego. This new platform simplifies and improves the efficiency of analyzing complex protein mixtures, a process central to analytical workflows across the pharma, biotech, food analysis, and academia sectors.


Capillary electrophoresis (CE) has established itself as an indispensable tool for protein separation, as it offers rapid, high-resolution analysis with minimal sample consumption. The expanding interest of biopharma in monoclonal antibodies and other protein targets of potential therapeutic interest is driving the expected growth in demand for CE solutions.

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The Agilent ProteoAnalyzer system brings added efficiency, versatility, and reliability, particularly in protein QC workflows. Automating the separation, data processing, and simplifying sample preparation steps streamlines the analysis workflow, which improves efficiency and reduces training and related labor costs. The system also can analyze a wide range of sample types, from crude lysates to purified fractions. It can analyze different sizes and types of proteins in a single run and consistently deliver accurate results, reducing the need for time-consuming and costly reanalysis.


“The Agilent ProteoAnalyzer system introduces a new level of efficiency, versatility, and reliability to protein analysis,” commented Knut Wintergerst, vice president and general manager of the Biomolecular Analysis Division at Agilent. “Automated parallel capillary electrophoresis simplifies the analysis of complex mixtures, benefiting diverse sectors from pharma to academia. Precision and reliability converge, reducing labor costs and enhancing analytical workflows.”


Kyle Luttgeharm, product manager in Agilent’s Integrated Genomics Division will present a seminar at PepTalk on Thursday, January 18 at 12:25 p.m., titled Discover the ProteoAnalyzer System: Automated Protein Analysis Parallel to None.


Agilent offers automated electrophoresis systems that see wide use for nucleic acids analysis, such as NGS QC and IVT RNA applications. Agilent expects the ProteoAnalyzer to strengthen its position as a key provider of quality control analysis solutions by extending its CE portfolio across relevant biomolecule classes.