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Teabag in a glass.

Teabags and Processed Meats May Be Key Dietary Sources of PFAS

After comparing the eating habits of young US adults with their blood levels of PFAS, the researchers found that the participants who ate more takeouts and processed meats were more likely to have higher levels of the forever chemicals.
A white hurricane cloud moves across the ocean.

Climate Scientists Consider a New, Higher Category for Hurricanes

Researchers have suggested the addition of Category 6 to the currently open-ended Saffir-Simpson Windscale that measures hurricane severity.
Bottles of milk in a row.

Replace Standard Bacteria Test For Raw Milk, Say Food Scientists

Food scientists show that a standard quality test used for raw, organic milk is insufficient for distinguishing between specific groups of bacteria, suggesting that the criteria for determining milk quality at processing plants needs to be updated.
A microparticle is fired towards a metamaterial and goes through it, shown in four images.

Benchtop Test Quickly Identifies Extremely Impact-Resistant Materials

Intricate structures of microscopic metamaterials can withstand supersonic impacts and a new method can quickly test these materials.

East Antarctica May Be Closer to Melting Than First Thought

Stanford researchers have found large thawed or close-to-thawed areas under coastal portions of the ice sheet that holds back glaciers in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin.
Two cyclists wearing helmets.

New Kinds of Padding Could Make Football Gear, Bike Helmets Safer Than Ever

A 3D-printed foam material with an almost honeycomb-like structure could enhance the protection offered by football gear, bike helmets and anything that cushions fragile objects.
A woman in bed.

Women's Unique Metabolic Advantage Against Sleep Apnea

A University of Ottawa research team has shown that the impact of sleep apnea on the metabolism of blood lipids differs by sex, with women regulating their blood lipids better than men.
A close up of a leaf.

Efficiently Unlocking Plant Sugars Could Lead to Biofuels and Medicines

Research from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) sheds new light on how to access the sugars locked up in plants to produce petroleum-free fuels, chemicals, and medicines.
A map of the world.

AI-Aided Map Shows Global Ammonia Pollution

A new computational framework provides a detailed assessment of ammonia emissions from global croplands and identifies practices that could curb release of the gas.
A landscape of drylands.

Researchers Uncover the Spatial Patterns of Drylands

The self-organized patterns of species in drylands reveal how the ecosystem works and its ability to respond to environmental changes.