Latest App Notes & Case Studies
App Note / Case Study
Mitos P-Pump Droplet Monodispersity
The formation of droplets of oil-in-water or water-in-oil has a range of uses in science and industry. Monodispersity, or size consistency, is the key to making droplet microfluidics a powerful tool for conducting accurate and repeatable experiments.
App Note / Case Study
Monitoring Bacterial Cell-to-Cell Communication “Quorum sensing” Using FLUOstar OPTIMA
Bacteria can monitor and respond to changes to environmental conditions via a cell density process known as quorum sensing. Bacteria use this process to monitor their community by producing, detecting and responding to low molecular mass signal molecules, called autoinducers. Effects on quorum sensing were investigated by measuring growth and bioluminescence of Vibrio fischeri. The FLUOstar OPTIMA was utilized to measure absorbance and luminescence in parallel.